Let’s Hear Foundation
I encountered hearing loss in early childhood, as both my fathers and his parents’ hearing were severely impeded! I feel very happy and privileged to be able to contribute to "better hearing".
South Africa is my second home. As I was born and raised there, I have a deep connection with the country and its people. Like every coin, this country has two sides and through “Let's Hear Foundation Switzerland”, I would like to give something back to the people that we normally take for granted: Unimpaired hearing!
During our 9 years stay in South Africa, we saw endless possibilities to help poorer people. With the “Let's Hear Foundation Switzerland”, we are opening an acoustic door to those in need of help with little effort.
Because good hearing can help all people everywhere to have a better quality of life.
Because good hearing can help all people everywhere to have a better quality of life.
Being able to hear is a gift for me and it is nice to know that with the “Let's Hear Foundation Switzerland” we can pass on this gift.
My love for Southern Africa and the respect for my fellow human beings, who are less privileged, are reason enough for me to actively participate in this project.
I had no doubts about being part of “Let’s hear Foundation Switzerland” right from the start - I can hardly imagine what it's like to hear nothing. I think a project that aims to make people's everyday lives easier is absolutely great!
Why am I involved with the “Let's Hear Foundation Switzerland”? Because making oneself heard should not just be the right of the financially privileged.
The simple fact that we can give disadvantaged children a better future through improved hearing is my motivation to participate in the “Let's Hear Foundation Switzerland”.
Having been involved already in hearing aid collection and distribution to South Africa, I feel fully aligned to the “Let’s Hear Foundation Switzerland” aims and purpose. I am fortunate to have good hearing. To help with others far less fortunate than myself is a pleasure. "
This year’s annual general meeting of the foundation took place in Bertschikon 10th March 2024. Here you can find the meeting minutes, the foundation’s annual report, the auditors report and the treasurer’s report.
In many Swiss households, unused hearing aids are gathering dust in a drawer. We collect used hearing aids, clean them and forward them to the “Let’s Hear Foundation” in South Africa. There, the devices are revised, refitted and individually adapted for hearing impaired people by audio experts.
We gratefully accept all monetary donations. No amount is deducted from any donations for administration. 100% of your donation is guaranteed to go to where it is most urgently needed!
Account for donations:
Acrevis Bank AG, IBAN CH14 0690 0059 2916 1000 4, BIC/SWIFT: ACRGCH22
Let’s Hear Foundation Switzerland
Im Müselacher 19
CH-8614 Bertschikon
T: +41 44 935 43 88