

This year’s annual general meeting of the foundation took place in Bertschikon 10th March 2024. Here you can find the meeting minutes, the foundation’s annual report, the auditors report and the treasurer’s report.

At the beginning of this year, we received the good news that several cardboard boxes of used hearing aids were ready for collection from Messrs. Neuroth in Zug.
On 30 January we collected 4 cardboard boxes and on Thursday 1 February we sorted and cleaned them with great enthusiasm and discovered that the delivery contained, in addition to cleaning equipment, devices for charging hearing aids, cases and boxes for hearing aids, etc., around 1200 hearing aids in good condition and ready for reuse.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Neuroth for their many years of support. As every single hearing aid counts, we would also like to thank the many people who send us used hearing aids.
We are now looking forward to forwarding the many hearing aids to South Africa as soon as possible.
Esther & Beat Berger

Sebastian, Mother Maryke, Liam and Bruce McKay

Liam (8 years old) and Sebastian (11 years old) suffer from Perrault syndrome. Perrault syndrome is a very rare congenital disorder that results in sensorineural hearing loss.

Thanks to donations received from the Let’s Hear Foundation Switzerland, our sister organisation, the Let’s Hear Foundation in South Africa, was able to order, fit and give them 2 new hearing aids as a Christmas present! Normally, the Let’s Hear Foundation provides used, cleaned and refurbished hearing aids. In this case, however, due to the neurological condition of both boys and because they need a very specific type, 2 new hearing aids were given as an exception!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated used hearing aids and/or donated money.

We at the Let’s Hear Foundation Switzerland and Let’s Hear Foundation South Africa wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy, successful and healthy New Year!

This year’s annual general meeting of the foundation took place in Bertschikon 10th March 2023. Here you can find the meeting minutes, the foundation’s annual report, the auditors report on the accounts, and the treasurer’s report.

All aforementioned documents are copies from the originals so only available in German language and therefore in German.

We are always pleased to get feedback on our actions out of Southern Africa. How happy a girl is with her used hearing aid, you can see yourself right away. The English version of the Lets Hear Foundation South Africa annual report can be found Jahresbericht von Let’s Hear Foundation in Südafrika here.